Friday, August 8, 2008

Sanctified Woman... Who me?

Yes you!

I am not THE sanctified woman, merely A sanctified woman. I am only one of many sanctified women out there.

What do I mean by a "sanctified woman"? Perhaps clarity is needed. The word sanctified simply means "set apart". In the context of my life and my understanding of His word, this has come to mean "set apart" from the world's ways and learning His ways...

(when I speak at Parent Practicums, I often say His ways are often the "inverse operation" of the world's ways - mathematically speaking)

That I may live a life that allows me to hear the words "Well done my good and faithful servant." on the day that I will see Him and give an account for my life, my choices, the things and people I have been a steward of...

My hope is to live more and more with "eternity stamped on my eyes"...

Check out my Sister Soujourners links to meet other ladies making their choices to be set apart, living more and more according to His priorities and purposes for their lives.

For this is the will of God, your sanctification I Thes 4:3

1 comment:

  1. Oh my friend - so glad we are fellow sojourners together. I cherish your wisdom!


So ... how about you?